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Welcome to Compare It!
About Compare It!
Installing and Removing Compare It!
What's New in This release?
Quick Start
User Interface Basics
Application Window Illustration
Using Compare It!
Comparing files
Merging Files
Editing Files
Setting Options
File Filters
Advanced Comparison
Printing and Reporting
Print options
Print Options: Margins
Print Options: Advanced
Comparison report
Comparison statistics
Keyboard Shortcuts, Toolbar Buttons, Menu Commands
Advanced Functions
Adding Shortcuts to External Applications
Adaptive comparison
Auto Backup
Automatch rules
Command Line Usage
Configuration File
Changes Only Mode
Custom Syntax Files
Defining Column Ranges
Enhanced Open File
File lists support
Folders comparison
Ignore Difference
Manual Matching
Merged Report
Moved Sections
Partial matching
Result File Support
Unicode Support
Using Compare It! with File Manager
Using fixed/alternative font
Using Regular Expressions
Using RegExps substrings
Word files comparison
Excel files comparison
Other file formats support
Zip File Support
General Information
What is Shareware?
How To Register
Warranty and License
Future Releases
Other Products
Frequently Asked Questions
Updates and Support
Setting Print Options: Advanced

In order to print more on one page, or to make printout more readable, you can choose an alternative font for printing. You can also disable printing of Header (with date) and Footer (with page number) to free some space for data

To select font for printing:

  1. Choose File > Print options, page Advanced.
  2. Use Set another font for printing checkbox to enable this feature; then click the font button (which shows the current font in use) to change the font used for printing.

To disable printing of Header/Footer:

  1. Choose File > Print options, page Advanced.
  2. Use Header and Footer checkboxes to control this page elements.

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