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Request: environment variables in paths

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:30 pm
by MKairys
It would be a big help if I could use environment variables in source and destination paths.

For example I have several configurations that synch my desktop with my laptop; I set them up assuming the laptop disk is mounted on Z: It would be more flexible if I could set an environment variable like %LAPTOP% and set it to Z: or whichever disk the daptop is actually mounted on.

Likewise among my various machines I have common environment variables like %LOCAL% that might be C:\Local on one machine and E:\Local on another. If I could use %LOCAL% in the configurations it would make the configs more portable.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 5:44 pm
by grigsoft
Thank you for suggestion! I wil add this to the wish list