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Compare files to different extension

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 8:40 am
by TonHu

Would it be possible to compare a set of files, to the same set of files, only with a different extension, almost like a make tools does. Lacking a decent make available from Windows on our unix server, and no ability to set up anything like that, I'd like to compare my .cbl sources to the compiled .snt objects.

If impossible I'll have to search for an in-house make-like tool that I'm allowed to use :-(


Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 9:28 am
by grigsoft
Do you want to compare it in Synchronize It! or on file-by-file basis? In this case you can check Compare It! lists support - it can take 2 file lists and compare them. Unfortunately, currently it can only print or make multiple reports with lists, but in next version I'm planing to add next/prev files navigation ability for reviewing.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 11:56 am
by TonHu
I'm not trying to compare content, only date/time, just like a make tool does, so Compare It! is no solution for this request.
I'll wait for the (pre-release of the) next version then.
