Currently planned features for next versions

Post your new features ideas and suggestions here.
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Post by grigsoft »

Right now I'm trying to port Compare It! to Mac OSX. If it would be OK (working and selling :), I could think over WinSync too - it will go faster then.
Did you check Synchronize! tool for OSX (


See matched sections side by side

Post by bmckd »

I would like to be able to see matched sections side by side. Either by a button or option that automatically rearranges the document, or by independant scroll bars that automatically position the sections side by side.

I compare database scripts between environments, dev, test and prod, but the db script generation process doesn't place the scripts for the same object in the same place in the script.

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Post by grigsoft »

Thank you, I will thnk about suto-match option too.

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Post by murphy »

fzuill wrote:Also, please allow an option to default to "Changes Only" on startup, or leave it in the last "Changes Only" mode.
grigsoft wrote:I will also add option to make ChangesOnly mode sticky.
Seems like you didn't implement it in the last six years - whenever I reload files the "View Changes Only" mode is unselected, which is pretty cubersome.

Or didn't I just manage to find the "Make Changes Only Mode Sticky" option?

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Post by grigsoft »

:) you are right - that's not very asked feature, so it didn't show up in to-do list. But I will add it shortly, it's not a problem.

PS. Probably this feature was set aside since there is a command line switch to force changes only mode. So if you wish, you can modify shortcut to always have it.

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Re: Currently planned features for next versions

Post by adeptus »

grigsoft wrote:General:
  • 3-files comparison
Are you working on that feature? I bought you app a few weeks ago for comparision and wanted to use it now for merging too. I would need a 3-way-merging showing me my version, a version from another person and the resulting merge in which I can add thinks from the two other ones.

Is that possible?

Greetings form Berlin, Germany!

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Re: Currently planned features for next versions

Post by grigsoft »

Have you checked Synchronize!

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Re: Currently planned features for next versions

Post by scottse »

I have a product suggestion. Any chance of an api from windows to call out the capabilities of compareit? This would be useful for an automated build/test process. I use a test language called labview. I can then invoke the api from a system exec call in labview and send in the appropriate options to an api to launch, compare, and merge. This would be very useful for trivial merges.

Another thing that would be helpful would be a dll file that I could also call from labview. That would be cool.

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Re: Currently planned features for next versions

Post by scottse »

One other feature I would like to see is to allow the user to add and delete lines via a menu icon/command. This functionality exists in excel:

1) delete rows
2) delete columns
3) add rows
4) add columns.

This would come in handy if the comparison of two files were misaligned due to a blank space or useless character.

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Re: Currently planned features for next versions

Post by scottse »

There is one more important feature I would like to see:

Allow the files being compared to ignore sections to compare.

Example, say I have two csv (txt files essentially) written using excel and I want to merge a section of one file into the entirety of the other file but both files are very similar to each other (I'm dealing with this situation presently). When I compare the two files, I would like an option in compareit to tell me that the two files are the same excluding the new small section added, and once I add that small section, I want a message indicating that the files are now identical as I've added all I wish to add of the small section into the similar but not identical larger file.

If this is confusing, send me an email and I can send you two of my files and what I'm trying to accomplish in your tool. Great friggin tool btw. I use it often and I'm trying to convince my team members to start using it.

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Post by murphy »

I'm amazed that this forum still exists :shock:
I'm even more amazed that my account here still works :twisted:
I'm as surprised as amazed that someone else actually still posted in 2024 8)

But what really surprised me is that I – who still uses Compare It! and Synchronize It! to this very day, every single day, simply because there's still nothing else that comes even close – randomly found out that after about a decade of waiting for an update since the last official release 4.2 there was actually a new beta 4.3 available in 2020 under a secret link :mrgreen:

... which sadly marks also the year that Igor left a few posts here and there for the last time, after an even longer hiatus of 8 years before that :|

However, I noticed you (or maybe a rep?) are still reading silently, so here's something somewhat special for you from me:

pc_plus_uk_217_2004-06_p74_150dpi_crop.png (525.97 KiB) Viewed 28469 times

PC Plus, June 2004 = also almost exactly 10 years ago :idea:

It took me more than an hour to scrape this from the last hidden corners of the Interwebz and another 10 minutes to make a nice edit from the original PDF I eventually managed to dig up – so I hope you enjoy the surprise this time! :P

The final beta update mentioned above seemed to be minor after all, I couldn't make out any difference to the version that I had already been using for ages before, probably just some critical fix under the hood that was acutely necessary. All the desired features still missing, all the beloved bugs still present, haha! But actually sad, because it's still the best.

Speaking of which:
grigsoft wrote:
Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:12 am
But I will add it shortly, it's not a problem.
"shortly" = 15 years later ... and still s.o.l. :D

Don't worry though, not that anyone urgently needed said feature, I didn't even remember it exists until I read the above — so that small side note was just for the giggles :lol:

On that note, Igor, I hope this message out of nowhere finds you well! Maybe you even shed a little tear in view of your "Value Award" proof above, and drop me a short line in return? It's probably not easy to get a reply from you these days, but with the minimal chance that you might still be remembering our mail conversations about sync + cmp development back in the days, and at some point kindly gifting me a sub for my steady and eager contributions, you never know … :oops:

Best regards, murphy

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