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add 'Source' and 'Target' to explorer context menu

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 9:40 am
by Spitfire_ch

I really enjoy your products which make my daily live a lot easier! One little suggestion to make it even easier:

If you have a lot of subfolders and complicated paths, it can be tedious to browse to your source and target folder within the program each time you want to compare them. Quite often, the folders you want to compare are already opened on the desktop or in explorer, because you are currently working with them. So it would be very nice to have an explorer context menu, by which you could choose the source and target folder for synchronize it. Something like this:

First, you right click on your source folder (in Explorer). You can then choose 'Synchronize it! - Set source folder'. Then you go to your target folder and choose 'Synchronize it! - Synchronize with source folder'. Now Synchronize it! would start normally, with source and target folder already selected, and you could choose the other options (Action etc.) normally.

The same would also make sense for Compare it!

Keep up the excellent work!

- spitfire

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 12:04 pm
by grigsoft
Thank you for suggestion! I'm going to add some Explorer extension for both SynchronizeIt!and CompareIt